Triple Your Fun For Incredible Pleasure!
Dr. Joel Kaplan Beaded Girth Triple Stacker Ring offers incredible support and girth to almost any cock! Soft and stretchy, this beaded support ring triples the pleasure your partner gets as your pound her with this snug enhancer wrapped around your shaft! Three layers of beaded, tabbed pleasure massage her inner vaginal walls with every thrust!
The super-stretchy ring snugly wraps your cock in its embrace, keeping your cock harder for longer! That means more of the deep, intimate connection you love! The inside of the stretchy sleeve is lined with ribs that add another layer of sensation to your shaft! This soft triple stacked ring is ideal for having a more sensational intimate experience!
Compatible with water-based lubricants
Dr. Joel Kaplan Beaded Girth Triple Stacker Ring offers incredible support and girth to almost any cock! Soft and stretchy, this beaded support ring triples the pleasure your partner gets as your pound her with this snug enhancer wrapped around your shaft! Three layers of beaded, tabbed pleasure massage her inner vaginal walls with every thrust!
The super-stretchy ring snugly wraps your cock in its embrace, keeping your cock harder for longer! That means more of the deep, intimate connection you love! The inside of the stretchy sleeve is lined with ribs that add another layer of sensation to your shaft! This soft triple stacked ring is ideal for having a more sensational intimate experience!
Compatible with water-based lubricants